Appointed Municipal Engineer
> Village of Cherry Valley - Since 1979
> Village of New Milford - Since 1984
> Village of Rockton - Since 1986
> Village of Creston - Since 1993
> Village of Timberlane - Since 2005
Recurring Clients
> Rockford
> Belvidere
> Genoa
> Rochelle
> DeKalb
> Boone County
Giving Back to Our Communities
We're happy to engage in the communities we serve!
Salvation Army
Belvidere, IL
Heritage Days
Belvidere, IL
Boone County Food Pantry
Capron, IL
Salem Church Food Pantry
Sycamore, IL
Toys for Tots
Rockford, IL
Old Settlers Days
Rockford, IL
Yeti Fest
Rockton, IL
Goldie Floberg Center
Rockton, IL
Sycamore Shool District
Sycamore, IL
Rock House Kids
Rockford, IL
Sycamore Youth Baseball
Sycamore, IL
Special Olympics
4th of July Celebration
Kirkland, IL
Lion's Club
Rockford, IL
How Can We Help Your Community?
Types of Projects
Road reconstruction to urban standards
Local road reconstruction
Design & ROW plats for new rural highway
Concrete roadway construction
Roadway plans for bridge construction
Intersection design study of rural highways
Plans for reconstruction of rural high-volume intersection
Road extension for retail development
Tollway reconstruction staking
Construction layout of state highway widening
Construction layout of roundabout development
Village-wide watermain replacement
Sewer trunk study
Sanitary sewer manhole grouting & rehabilitation
Valve & hydrant replacement
Large lift station
Water main extension
Wastewater treatment plant site and structure improvements
Lift station rehabilitation
Water supply, pumping, storage, distribution
Septic systems
Convert excess ROW to detention storage
Design of large-scale regional detention facilities
Floodway & floodplain studies and mapping
Flow dissipation facility
SWPPP plans & inspections
Spillway design
Plans for grant-funded recreation path
Downtown streetscape dev plans
Park district construction
Zoning review
Downtown streetscape construction management & staking
Urban sidewalk reconstruction (to ADA & PROWAG standards)
Commercial subdivision plat & design
Design & staking of municipal sidewalk to ADA standards
Locating & mapping of utilities for GIS system
Status studies of abandoned subdivisions
Multi-use path reconstruction
Traffic signal installation design
Topographic survey of urban roadway for municipal client use
Lake & rec path redevelopment
Sidewalk design for urban corridor
Multi-use path design with grant funding
Preliminary & final cost estimates
Construction admin documentation
ALTA surveys
Parking lot development
Grading plans & earthwork quantities
Sports fields & courts
Application for various grants including DCEO, ITEP, SRTS, TAP, OSLAD, and PARC
Construction layout for airport improvements
Generation & maintenance of MS4 EPA documents