Elevation Certificates for Flood Insurance
NFIP Flood Insurance
How much is flood zone insurance? Unfortunately, it can cost homeowners up to $5000 per year. Even worse, many properties are included in the FEMA flood zone map when they shouldn't be - unnecessarily listed as flood zone a, flood zone ae, or flood zone ve. So before making a purchase based on the flood insurance rate map (aka FEMA FIRM map), be sure to ask yourself - do I need flood insurance? Or can I avoid it?
You May Not Need It!
For a limited time, get a FREE no-obligation consult to see if we may be able to get you out of flood insurance. Click below and ask for Jean to get started!
1) Initial Consult
Call and see if there is a chance your property may be eligible
2) Elevation Study
If so, our certified surveyors perform an on-site study to determine if your property qualifies
We complete and submit an official Letter Of Map Amendment to remove your property from the flood map!
How An Elevation Certificate Can Help
Homeowners are often recommended to seek an elevation certificate, or flood certification, to determine if they are actually in the floodplain. On our staff, we have certified surveyors who can perform a FEMA flood risk survey which may show that your property is not at risk of flood. If so we can provide an elevation certificate as well as a letter of map amendment, or LOMA, stating that you do not require flood insurance. We have saved many clients a great deal of time and expense by providing elevation certificate surveys and LOMAs to get them out of needing to purchase NFIP flood insurance.
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